this is real, this is me.
this is real, this is me
One step determines everything?

on many occasions, we do not know whether our next step will result in good or bad.
just like the above picture, before putting down another step, did we ever think what is going to happen next after we had put down that feet?
in our everyday life, there are certain things which need us to consider and decide.
or perhaps we have to look into the word 'choice' .
we are each given as many choices as we have.
but, sometimes, its really difficult to make a choice.
taking an example, our jc life.
we had chosen this step. this step that we dont even know where it will lead to.
will we just stop there? or?
we have no idea. or maybe for me.
what we only can do now, is since we had let down this step,
we have to strive and work towards it.
other than practically just our studies,
there are many things that needs one step at a time.
and does one step determines everything?
sometimes it does.
just one step, you may do something wrong.
just one step, you may do something right.
who knows?
does one step really determines everything?
this is a hard and good question worth to ponder.
and what i only know is,
that step or the step is a very heavy one,
which requires much thoughts in it. :)
this is just a rather random post. =P
another new week is starting tml. boo!
promise me, you wait for me. (:
Labels: random
You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
3:50 PM
Whole week.
had a really really hectic and tiring week.
went back late on monday and tues, or should i said,
practically the whole week.
had ushering practice on monday and tuesday.
hence only went home at 8 plus.
quite a fun one though. HAHA.
walked home with lynne after the practice.
the whole journey back home was full of laughters.
with her around, there will be laughters without fail. ;)
had a real fun time with her.
stayed back on thursday for night study with her.
helped me in integration. haha.
smart girllllllll.
oh ya, whenever i eat with her, i just cant stop laughing.
meaning, i can hardly get a bite of my food.
its just hilarous watching her reactions and etc.
went for charlie chan yesterday.
after tution, went to JE for dinner with amantha and weihao.
had kfc and we sat there for quite some time.
talked, gossiped blah blah blah.
enjoyed it.
today, went to school for the meet parents session.
whereby all parents have to meet their child's respective CTs.
have to work really hard for the promos.
just around 2 months left.
i dont know what to say,
but i can feel it............=X
Labels: random
You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
1:26 PM
i guessed now i will only update my blog once a week.
life is getting more hectic.
with more works to do and complete.
school's ending late too for this week.
maths test and phy prac trial run are coming up on monday.
hope i will do well in it.
hmm, cant really remembered all the things i had done for this entire week. =X
long school day. had school till 6pm.
played some volleyball during pe session.
nothing really happen on monday. ;)
was dismissed at 1.30pm but had to stayed back for some reading club thingy and gp remedial.
after my reading club thingy, went to the hall to play captain's ball with some class peeps a while
then head off for gp remedial. went home with amantha and susan after that.
had some joke on the way too. HAHA.
excursion to pulau tekong with 08S15 day.
yeah, this was the only day where all the peeps in my class went for an outing. haha.
basically, all odd number classes went for it.
had some photo takings on the bus. :)
went for some tours around the place.
now the beds are quite good and the canteen foods are like superb?
left at around 5 plus back to pjc.
then went to lot one for dinner with the usual people. HAHA.
we can actually form the clique 6. ;P
had A lvl listening compre.
was about to sleep during the listening compre.
but well, luckily all my answers are the same as my classmates.
after the listening compre, stayed back with the usual ppl again haha.
basically is for susan and weihao. as they had to stayed till 6pm for detention. (late for sch)
but well, it was it was quite fun after all.
as we played some games which created us a lot of laughters.
nothing interesting happened.
went for charlie chan tution as usual.
after tution, went with susan to cck gym for some work out. haha.
had real laughters with her along the way.
with her around, i cant eat nor do anything.
her face and actions can really make one laugh. HAHA.
just like me. HAHA.
many said i am joker. lol.
and now?
back home blogging, and preparing to memorise the phy prac thingy.
maybe i cant give you what you want.
sorry. :(
Labels: random
You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
10:21 PM
did not blog for long. haha.
alright, received quite a number of presents from friends.
on sunday ( my bd), went kap to study with crys.
then went off at around 5 plus as i had a celebration at home.
catered over. food was nice! haha.
monday, no school as its youth day.
went out at around 1 plus to JP for a movie treat from kede.
'dont mess with the ZOHAN' HAHAHA.
like this phrase much.
after watching, went to have some bite at mac.
then went home. haha.
thennnnnnnnn, on tues, have to return back to school.
no more 'holidays' :(
school return back to normal with lectures, tutorials.
hais. took back those results.
looked really sucky. although all pass except gp. :((
have to really buck up and mug real hard.
dont wish to retain. sighs.
okay, shall not rant on this again.
nothing really happened in this whole week.
oh ya. ytd after pw, almost the whole class stayed back and gossipped. HAHA.
talk and talk and gossip. fun. :)
after that, went for charlie chan tution with susan and amantha.
was late around 10mins. =X
after tution, initially wanted to go JE for a dinner with crys.
however, accompanied amantha to westmall to print her photos.
and due to my laziness of going over JE, i asked crys come over. HAHA.
had pastamania. it had been long since i entered that again. haha.
and after the dinner, went home. :)
some photos of the presents i received.

crystal's present for me.
the cupcakes were really delicious and nice.

present from amantha and susan. :)
gave me a big surprise. hahaha.
soooo, what is inside the blue box?

its FACE MASK. and a lot a lot of sweets.
they know why and i know why. hahaha.

saw crumpler bag? nah nah nah. its not real. hahaha.
its a card from amanthaaaaaa. she drew me a crumpler bag.
cool! hahaha. like it so much. although its not real crumpler. =D

susan's card. HAHA. it looked damn hmm, classy. HAHA.
her card can really make me laugh. HAHA. (inside the card)

present from yilin and zhiying.
a lot of things inside the bear HAHA.

presents received on tues.
erm, the black colour plastic bag is from joanne.
tee and a card inside the bag. :)
thanks for all the presents!
really treasured and appreciate it.
♥ 08/07/08 :)
Labels: birthdays
You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
7:30 PM
nothing really to blog today.
oral was kinda alright.
gave myself too much stress on it. hahaha.
was telling susan that i was very scared.
scared that the question asked will be difficult and i will get stuck.
but phew, luckily, it was not that tough.
the question was erm, did your teacher use music to teach in class or sth like that.
luckily, my chi teacher did that before. otherwise i had nothing to say. =D
it was rather a fast one.
faster than O lvl.
around 5 to 10mins and you are done.
next, went to dover to meet lynne. :))
first time going out with her though a short one.
went to far east to have lunch and walked around.
went back home quite early.
had fun on the bus. HAHA.
talked about friends thingy.
hmm, sometimes, i personally think that when you treat your friends too well or well,
your friends wont be treating you as well as you treat them.
maybe that is life?
but its very sad if you treat your friend good, and they are not.
life is always unfair.
anyway, its just some rants. :)
2 more days to go!!. :))
i finally met you.
you gave me the sense of security. :)
Labels: random/shag
You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
8:26 PM
alright, since i had talked about monday in my previous post,
i will start with tues then. :)
let me think about it. guess nth much happened on that day.
stayed at home the whole day.
but around afternoon, amantha came over my house.
basically, just to choose her blogskins and slacked around.
then, we went to mac to have some bites around evening.
and the joke is, we walked to lot one, then saw the mac has no seats,
walked back to cck cc to have mac there.
but okay lahs. haha. can waste some time. really had nth to do after exams.
then acc her walked back to lot one. :))
went back to school for oral preparation at 3pm.
before that, amantha came over my house again.
and this time, was to do her blogskin.
yes, she chose one. like finally? HAHA.
but not accomplished when we left.
done for her at night. lalalala.
a friend in need is a friend indeed. :D
after school, went to lot one mac to gossip/talked with amantha,susan, mingsoon and hongda.
then back homeeeeee. ><
went to sch at 8am for PW workshop and pw discussion followed behind.
then, after that, went to bpp to have lunch with class peeps.
this time, there were more ppl. haha.
maybe its coz of the chi oral later on.
my oral is tml. sad. :(
susan told me today's oral is quite easy.
the topic was also okay.
wish tml's will not be too difficult.
just hope to do well.
Just some pictures taken on monday at BK at holland V before ending off. :)

mingsoon holding the burger. hahaha.

Susan and I.
(dont tell me we look alike. =X)
yay, 3 more days. 3 more days! :)
you asked, but did not say anything.
is it good or bad?
i idk.
Labels: random
You're the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing
7:31 PM
17 yrs old
-random-ner- ™