so had been busy these few days.
hence, no updates till now. haha.
hmm, been rather slacking this week as in between the lectures, there were breaks.
these few days, i also had been following hui teng. haha.
cant blame me for kept following. its coz i dont know anyone in the school.
this was just my ... fourth day in the school?
still not familiarise with the school place, where are the lectures hall etc.
tutorials: its a little more difficult than JJ. trying to conquer it. haha. asking the little genius.
lectures: still able to cope. except for GP. can easily doze off for me. :) coz its so boring.
maybe i shall start to like this school and get down in the new environment.
JJ is good coz i have been there for close to 2 months or so.
i guessed PJ is also good. i will slowly like it. trust me. haha.
today cross country...
it was so super tiring.
i tried to run... but.. hmm, i still stopped.
partly was due to that my leg really have no strength. it feel so... soft.
hui teng told me to run, i tried. but its really..haha.
well, its over. no more running of 3.2km. :)
Labels: shag