today i had pe. and the pe was a killer. some sort to me. :P
we have to run the first two rounds in 2 mins time for each.
and the next two rounds 2.15 mins per round.
i am excused from the last round.
but in total, we ran 5 rounds. but for me... 4 rounds. :D
it was totally shag. legs were tired.
imagine running a round for 2min its like.. sprinting. dashing.
like you gonna die. haha. okay i guess i am exgerrating it. :X
and.. i attended my first cca day today.
but interacting with the kids are so much... hmm. a different experience i should say.
teaching them the small little activities that my group had came up with.
folding a flying heart. o.o
some pictures to show... haha.
otherwise my blog is always gonna be words.

i thought this little water bottle was cute. =)
i got it for free in school today. haha.

finally, bought a new pencil case. haha. actually my buddy lists is not at all full.
it has no limits. almost everyday, we are making friends. :)
just find this interesting.
okay, the image has some prob. i dont know why there are so many white dots over the pencil case. the background is black.
what i have been doing almost everyday when i reached home. :(
and look at that, cold war. history... :(( i cant even understand it.
some i should say. :)

and there... my time table.
and as you can see.. monday is my latest day.
so now, i dont quite like monday. HAHA.
before i end, i want to show a small little video on some creativity of hands.
its really fantastic.