alright, it is now holidays!
but this whole week, most of days i am required to go back to school for extra lessons.
and mainly PW too.
on sunday, went to hui min's house to study with her and crystal too.
studied a bit on phy.
as usual, i explored her room. haha. i realised i like to explore people's room.
it's rather interesting too. so no offence. hahaha.
yep, joke a little at there. it was a long time ever since i saw hui min. haha.
after her mom went off to work, haha! huimin then called it 'my world'
if you want to know why, hmm, trying asking her haha. :D
she started taking my pic. o.O
and since she started it, i went along with her. hahaha.
table full of our studies materials.
What i am studying. :)
at her house; the picture she took without asking me. :P
as for this pic, took rather a long time to get this pic taken.
why? blame me hahaha. o.o
well, the one beside me is crystal. =D
i still think, i dont look good when i am taking pic with someone. :X
anyway, this huimin, insisted to not take pic with me.
she's gonna regret HAHA.
but one thing to comment about her, she is really a good friend.
i guess she's the only friend who will listen to my 'rubbish', but well, we are no longer in the same school. :(
worry not, i will still keep in contact with you HAHA.
on monday, mood was quite okay, till.....
alright, shall not say or rant anything here. :X
erm, went sch at 10am. had chem lecture followed by phy tutorial.
after that, went out with some s15 peeps to have lunch at plaza (subway).
after eating, we then discussed on where to go next, so....
we went to beauty world to play pool.
played a little. i realised i dont really like playing or cant really play pool much,
after some time, i will get bored and tired. haha.
after playing, home sweet home! :D
was rather a fun day out with them.
nth really interesting happen today, as there is no school today.
stayed at home. and basically, it was a boring day.
tried to study a little. :)
done my eom which is to be submitted tml.
yes going sch tml again, and i guess it's gonna be a long day as tml i will be having tution at 4.30.
hmm, sometimes i really wish to rather have school than holiday.
coz when you are at home, you will think what to study; what to do.
whereas in school, you know what to do. haha.
okay, that's about it.
update again when i am free.
off to edit my eom and stuff. :)
coz,youareyetanotherone. :X
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